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Text: Performance Illuminated
Central Coast Council’s theatres team is supporting artists to present and develop new performance work in Laycock Street Community Theatre and the Peninsula Theatre.

Throughout April to October 2024, the Performance Illuminated program is piloting three opportunities supporting different stages of creative development.

Email with any questions or enquiries.
Text: Flashlight Access
Flashlight Access is an opportunity for Central Coast artists, collectives, organisations, and community groups to book the Don Craig Room for no-cost during the theatre’s staffed business hours for non-commercial creative activities.


Key Dates

Requests Open: From March 2024
Pilot Period: April-October 2024

Eligibility Criteria

  • Theatre is staffed on the requested dates and times (usually Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm).
  • Don Craig Room is available on the requested date and time.
  • The proposed activity is suited to the space.
  • The proposed activity is not an event and users will not be directly generating income from its use.
  • Requests do not prevent a reasonable distribution of opportunity for other artists and organisations.
  • Requesting user’s activities are covered by a Public Liability Insurance policy.
  • Requesting users agree to all terms and conditions.
Text: The Pen Residency
The Pen Residency is a flexibly structured artistic development residency for performers and theatre-makers. The residency aims to support the development of new performance work. The program offers in-kind use of The Peninsula Theatre in Woy Woy, and an honorarium per residency.

Key Dates

Applications Close: 5pm Sunday, 31 March 2024
Season Pilot Period: April-October 2024  

Residency Structure

  • Artists can choose a 5-day or 10-day residency.
  • Residency dates can be structured via arrangement with the theatres team.
  • Artists receive an honorarium: $1,255 for a 5-day residency, or $2,510 for a 10-day residency.
    Note: The honorarium is paid per residency, not per artist involved in the residency.

Applications for The Pen Residency 2024 are now closed.

Text: Greenlight Season
Greenlight Season is an opportunity for Central Coast artists, collectives and organisations who would like to present a NEW performance work or artistic event in the Don Craig Room or The Peninsula Theatre. Through application, new performance works are selected to be presented through a door-split agreement with Central Coast Council’s theatre team.

Key Dates

Applications Close: 5pm Sunday, 31 March 2024
Season Pilot Period: April-October 2024

Applications for Greenlight Season 2024 are now closed.

We acknowledge we live, work and play on Darkinjung Country. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present and emerging and recognise their continued connection to these lands and waterways. We acknowledge our shared responsibility to care for and protect our place and people