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Waltzing The Wilarra

Sat 23 Aug


A fun entertaining and original musical play by David Milroy Waltzing the Wilarra is filled with vibrant music, vaudeville humour and political satire.

Charlie, Elsa and Fay take you on a musical journey back to 1940’s post war Perth, and a time of curfews and the fear of arrest for ‘consorting’. Somehow white and black manage to form their own dance club, a place where they can go to forget their worries, singing and dancing the night away And with a little luck, find romance.

Forty years later, as the club is facing demolition, dark secrets and ghosts that have lingered for more than half a century are revealed, and we discover that reconciliation is more than saying sorry.

Waltzing the wilarra tonight Billion stars by candlelight,
Dancing shadows silver blue Golden sunrise comes to soon

And all the lovers who’ve travelled so far,
Give their hearts to the wilarra (full moon)

“Gutsy, entertaining, and humorous” The Australian

“Racy toe tapping musical numbers abound…just when you think you’ve seen the best act of the evening, the next one arrives.” Victoria Laurie, ABC Perth

Duration – 2.5 hours including interval

Event Details

Laycock Street Community Theatre
Start Date: Sat 23 August , 2025
Time: 7.30pm
Adult $62 | Concession/Child $49

We acknowledge we live, work and play on Darkinjung Country. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present and emerging and recognise their continued connection to these lands and waterways. We acknowledge our shared responsibility to care for and protect our place and people